Heidi Joy Groff
Born: Jan. 28, 2011 at 4:38 pm
Weight: 7 lbs. 5 oz. (one oz heavier than her brother)
Height: 20 in. (one inch longer than her brother)
Heidi was not one to be hurried but when she was ready she was ready. I was due on Jan. 23rd but that day came and went without so much as a contraction. So at least I thought. I had my post date appointment scheduled for Friday the 28th. I was now 40 weeks and 5 days.
Anthony had off that day so he came with me. I am really glad he did. So we dropped Kody off at Grandma's and away we went. First off, the fluid check. My fluid was a little low. Okay... next off the the stress test. Not realizing what was going on i was watching the monitor and realized that according to the monitor i was having a contraction. All i felt was the baby pushing up.. (so that is what these contractions felt like!) I had two of them in the 20 minutes of the test. Then off to the doctor we went. Anthony and I were hoping that they would want to start us today but did not think it would actually happen. Dr. Habecker came in and informed us that while I was having contractions that the baby's heart rate was actually dropping so with that and my fluid being low we were sent next door to the hospital to have the baby. :)
We called and text the family to inform them of what was going on and we were admitted at 11:30 am. Talked with the midwife and decided what was the best way to go about this and away we went. The kind of drug she used made me have to lay practically flat on my back for two hours before i could move around. At 1:30 pm we started the drug. It wasn't 10 minutes that I was having major contractions!!! Not like Kody's at all! Did not like!! So, having to lay in the bed for 2 hours was not a fun thing. I had to get up to go to the bathroom a little after 3 and could not seem to hold it... I had the nurse come in and check to see if my water had broke. Sure enough it had the midwife came in at 4 and told us we were 4 cm. I was in a lot of pain so I asked for the Nuban (Spelling?) Got the drug and felt pretty loopy right away but it did nothing for the contractions!!! After another 1/2 hour I told Anthony I felt like I needed to push! I never had that sensation with Kody! The nurse came running in and called the midwife! Sure enough i went from 4 cm to 10 in a 1/2 hour!! 4 minutes of pushing non stop our little girl was born!
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