Bath Time!!
We can't keep Kody away from the bath. As soon as he hears the water running he is right there beside you and ready for his clothes and diaper to be off. He even helps to take his shirt off his head. He discovered that when you stand up in the tub and sit down really fast you make a big splash. I don't come away from his baths dry anymore. You can't get mad at him when he give you that big smile and giggles. I am a sucker for that smile!
Kody and his washclothes. I always have to make sure that I Have 2 when I wash him or else i don't get to have it when it comes time. :)
I think he is trying to figure out what I am doing. :)
I hope he continues to enjoy the bath. But who knows what will happen when he gets older. It will be fun!!
I can't believe how big he is getting! What a cutie!